It’s a really long time ago and I was still young when they did the movie about it. One of the more progressive Presidents killed by his own party because he wasn’t progressive enough on Cuba.
Anony Mous
JoinedPosts by Anony Mous
anniversary of JFK assassination
by desbah inthis is for all the ex-jw's on that dreadful day..... do you remember where you were when jfk was shot in dallas, tx?
Have Kingdom Halls ever been used as evacuation centres?
by no-zombie inwhile our attentions has been drawn many times to kingdom halls being used as distribution centres (often distributing government supplied relief goods), during a local disaster.
i can't remember reading or hearing of, kingdom halls being opened to house displaced witnesses during these times.. can any one else?.
Anony Mous
@road to nowhere: plenty of churches open their institutions during disaster. Having A roof and A toilet is better than none at all.
The primary problem, as others pointed out, is cost. It would cost them in maintenance and upkeep, someone would have to be responsible, they’d have to *gasp* cancel meetings and actually spend money and ask for donations that don’t end up at the headquarters.
The insurance issue is secondary, there is some risk but it is low and insurance companies wouldn’t turn down a claim, however the WTBTS is self-insured (aka not insured, they have to pay everything out of pocket). The primary problem is indeed their own costs.
by Teddnzo ineven elders can be part of the new jw lite brigade these days.
they don’t need to go on door to door anymore and there is no requirement for anything really.. taking meeting parts is all dead easy you could turn up on the day with zero preparation because it’s all in the meeting workbook.. quarterly elders meetings are just old men having a good old natter just like old men do down the pub.. congregations could be likened to pubs or bars these days just without the drinks, those come at other times.. no need for territory maps, these almost went away with covid letter writing now they are extremely slow getting finished as those who still go door to door only do ten mins.. you could even voice your questions these days about things the gb say and then just say “we can’t be dogmatic we just don’t know”.
i predict they will say this about 1914 soon..
Anony Mous
@stan: this is already largely the case. Polls peg JWs at 14-16M members (extrapolating what people put down as their religious affiliation across large groups of people) but the number of “active” publishers has officially hovered about 7M for quite some time. That means that for every active dub, there is someone that is no longer participating but still considers themselves “in”. Not sure what those ratios are across other churches but for a high control cult this is rather outside the norm.
Thoughts on a WT Reformation
by Fr.RAS ini posted what follows elsewhere but thought it might be of interest here as well.
my forst posting here so i apologize in advance if this is not in the correct place.. a tribute to ray franz (on what would have been his 98th birthday) and to ed dunlap, his collaborator.
last week would have marked the 98th birthday of a man for whom most of us here have high regard.
Anony Mous
There are plenty of reformed JW religions around, they just aren’t as obvious as they are very mainstream Christian, don’t go door-to-door, don’t have blood transfusion prohibitions etc.
But check out:
- International, Free & Associated Bible Students
- Laodicean Home Missionary Movement
- Epiphany Bible Students Association
- Dawn Bible Students Association
- Independent Bible Students
- Church of the Kingdom of God
Note that CT Russell’s financial success also ‘inspired’ many others in his day to make similar religions with similar and sometimes even outright plagiarized the Bible Student movement although going in different directions and off course, the whole Millerite movement that CT Russell himself sprung off preceded and is very similar in eschatology to the JW (Adventists, Christadelphians, Ba’hai, Church of God …)
Reinstatement Procedure
by KerryKing inwhat else has changed?.
during the many years i have been df'd the org has printed a new bible, new song book, doctrinal changes, so has anything changed re reinstating someone?.
i'm contemplating the leap for family reasons but due to my job and young family commitments there is no way i would be able to attend every meeting for months on end.
Anony Mous
Lots of things have changed. The question is why would you want to reinstate now? You’re doing yourself and the people around you a disservice, if you don’t believe, stay out, they’ll sniff you out eventually and then you only reinforce what they are telling your family.
Stay out and try to influence your family in a good way, the may eventually want to see what this freedom is all about once they’ve been let down by the borg a few more times.
As far as your publisher card, it depends on your jurisdiction, in Europe they have to destroy them after so many years or if they never got your consent to keep it. In the US it differs from state to state but also whether or not the record keeper throughout the years was sufficiently competent and whether they implemented all the Borg’s direction changes on the topic over time.
Women in JW Ministry
by NotFormer inwomen make up the main population of the kingdom halls, and the pool of young males willing to step up to "serve" is drying up.
what is the likelihood of "new light" on jw women in ministry roles formerly held only by males?.
Anony Mous
I’m sure at some point it will have to come and then they’ll claim how it’s always been that way and it was actually the sisters are to blame for never stepping up between 1850 and 2025.
by Bill Parker ini intend to show with this article that the man of lawlessness is the anti-christ and that the activity of this composite person is what constitutes the abomination of desolation.
this shows the anti-christ and the man of lawlessness to be one and the same composite person.
we have seen that the anti-christ exalts himself {not appointed by god} then we learned that the man of lawlessness takes his seat in the temple of god.
Anony Mous
@Rattigan: you do realize that stated weaselwords in the publications is not actual policy as practiced by the WTBTS, such as the child abuse issue, they state they inform the authorities yet they privately instruct elders not to follow that advice, they state publicly the meetings are open to the public and hell, that the Watchtower study is a discussion, but they will sure make you uncomfortable and may even kick you out if you’re even the slightest bit heterodox. They state in the article that elders should not go poking around in a married couple’s business, anyone ever been involved in a judicial committee knows exactly that isn’t the case and the admonition in the elder manual is to not just poke around but keep detailed records.
Cults do this all the time, there is an inside and an outside language and they intentionally practice double speak. Every cult does this, the Christian Scientists do it, the JWs do it, the Mormons do it, they say Jesus and you think they’re talking about the Christian Jesus person, but internally they have an entirely different language to deconstruct and reconstruct who this Jesus is, in Mormonism he’s a Spirit Child and you may think that is just odd language, but in Mormonism everyone making the ascent to the temple (donating their wealth towards the church on the way) can likewise become a Spirit Child (an equal to Jesus). And that applies to every piece of thing they write, they write suggestion, but if you don’t take it as a rule you are spiritually weak which is not just that you’re slacking a bit, it’s that you’re a bad person that should be shunned.
Thought on “0 hours” reporting
by FFGhost inso everyone knows the “big news” of this past weekend, no more reporting of hours, placements, return visits, etc.
beginning november 1, jws just tick a box indicating whether they “shared in any form of the ministry during the month”.. so there was a brief comment by a redditor that seems like a brief joke “throwaway comment” but after thinking about it….why not?.
the idea is, what is “any form of the ministry”?
Anony Mous
@Journeyman: I know lots of pioneers and others that would count all forms of ministry. Even giving talks, especially at the convention, was counted.
I remember one of the last congregations I visited, they would start by going out driving for like 15 minutes to a house, go to a breakfast place for an hour or so with like 25 people, leave a tract, go out for another 15 minutes, have lunch, go out for 15 minutes, drive an hour to the other end of the territory for a return visit, drive back for another hour, go for coffee and baked goods at a local bakery. We went to maybe 4-5 houses and counted 8 hours of ministry, easily spent $20-30 on food. Coming from Europe, that kind of ministry was FUN!
The congregation was FULL of pioneers, until one CO came from California, vegetarian, he gave a talk during the elder meeting how our elders were FAT (they were, really) and then after about 2 or 3 visits he demoted every elder that didn’t lose some weight. He forced the pioneers out in the middle of winter for hours, one girl had blisters on her face from the cold. That congregation went from 5 special pioneers, 40 pioneers and a rotation of auxiliary pioneers to less than 10 in no time.
TODAY is my 56th anniversary of GOING TO PRISON as a Jehovah's Witness Conscientious Objector
by Terry inwhat happened to jehovah’s witness young men and why did it happen?______in the 1960s men of draft age were called upon to either serve in the military (during the vietnam war) or to comply with the alternate service option: serving in a hospital or community in need.. non-jehovah’s witnesses were faced with only one refusal: military service.jw boys and young men were instructed (in private) to refuse the alternate civilian service as well.
the superior authorities had made this exemption for people of conscience.the law was clear on this.
if we worked in a hospital community we would be free to go about our witnessing ministry - if we double-refused: we would languish in prison.a no-brainer to them.
Anony Mous
I find it interesting that people claim it never happened, when there are many, myself included that got counseled about it well into the 80s and 90s as the draft applied and still applies in many other countries. Even today, kids are still told that if a draft were re-instated they have to go to jail. I know COs and Bethelites that still take it as a badge of honor that they went to jail for the religion even though alternative service was available and the WTBTS has changed its mind about alternative service several times.
by Bill Parker ini intend to show with this article that the man of lawlessness is the anti-christ and that the activity of this composite person is what constitutes the abomination of desolation.
this shows the anti-christ and the man of lawlessness to be one and the same composite person.
we have seen that the anti-christ exalts himself {not appointed by god} then we learned that the man of lawlessness takes his seat in the temple of god.
Anony Mous
I find it interesting that you think a scripture applies to a religion that makes up 0.05-0.1% of the world population. You’d think prophecy would apply to a bit of a more impactful situation so people would actually notice.